4월 13일 토요일, 워싱턴DC에서 벚꽃 퍼레이드가 열릴 예정이다.
이 행사는 매년 봄, 도시를 화려하게 수놓는 벚꽃을 기념하며 대규모로 진행되는 벚꽃 축제의 하이라이트다.
퍼레이드가 진행되는 동안, 행사 인근의 주요 도로들에서는 교통 통제가 실시된다. 따라서 운전자들은 예상되는 교통 체증과 변경된 도로 상황에 대비하고, 가능한 대중교통을 이용하는 것이 권장된다.
특히 해당 지역에 거주하는 주민들은 거리 주차에 대한 제한이 있음을 사전에 인지하고, 주차 금지 구역에 차량을 주차하지 않도록 유의해야 한다. 주차 금지 구역에 주차된 차량에는 벌금이 부과되며, 상황에 따라 견인될 수 있다.
주차 제한과 도로 통제가 실시되는 도로는 다음과 같다.
4월 13일 오전 3시부터 오후 4시까지 긴급 주차 금지 도로
- 7th Street from Independence Avenue, SW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 9th Street from Constitution Avenue, NW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 10th Street from Constitution Avenue, NW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 12th Street from Madison Drive, NW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 14th Street from Independence Avenue, SW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 15th Street from Independence Avenue, SW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 17th Street from Independence Avenue, SW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 18th Street from Constitution Avenue to E Street, NW
- 19th Street from Constitution Avenue to E Street, NW
- 20th Street from Virginia Avenue, NW to E Street, NW
- 20th Street from C Street, NW to Constitution Avenue, NW
- 21st Street from Constitution Avenue to E Street, NW
- 22nd Street from Constitution Avenue to C Street, NW
- C Street from 21st to Virginia Avenue, NW
- C Street from 19th to 17th Street, NW
- D Street from 18th to 17th Street, NW
- E Street from 20th to 17th Street, NW (eastbound lanes only)
- Virginia Avenue from 23rd Street to Constitution Avenue, NW
- Constitution Avenue from 23rd Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- Jefferson Drive from 15th to 3rd Street, NW
- Madison Drive from 15th to 3rd Street, SW
4월 13일 오전 3시부터 오후 4시까지 교통 통제 도로
- 7th Street from Pennsylvania Avenue, NW to Independence Avenue, SW
- 10th Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Constitution Avenue, NW
- 12th Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Constitution Avenue, NW (남행차선)
- Constitution Avenue from Pennsylvania Avenue to 14th Street, NW
4월 13일 오전 9시부터 오후 4시까지 교통 통제 도로
- 9th Street from Constitution Avenue, NW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 12th Street from Madison Drive, NW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 14th Street from Independence Avenue, SW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 15th Street from Independence Avenue, SW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 17th Street from Independence Avenue, SW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- 18th Street from Constitution Avenue to E Street, NW
- 19th Street from Constitution Avenue to E Street, NW
- 20th Street from Virginia Avenue, NW to E Street, NW
- 20th Street from C Street, NW to Constitution Avenue, NW
- 21st Street from Constitution Avenue to E Street, NW
- 22nd Street from Constitution Avenue to C Street, NW
- C Street from 21st to Virginia Avenue, NW
- C Street from 19th to 17th Street, NW
- D Street from 18th to 17th Street, NW
- E Street from 20th to 17th Street, NW (동부행 차선)
- Virginia Avenue from 23rd Street to Constitution Avenue, NW
- Constitution Avenue from 23rd Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- Jefferson Drive from 15th to 3rd Street, NW
- Madison Drive from 15th to 3rd Street, SW
- Virginia Avenue from 24th Street to Constitution Avenue, NW
- SE/SW Freeway-Access to 12th Street Tunnel from I-395 ramps
- Inbound I-395 to 14th Street Bridge & 14th Street Bridge
Copyright © KVirginia, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지